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vacuum negative-pressure safety valve


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a72w is applicable in negative pressure system with temperatur≤200℃,when the netative pressure value, the valve will open automatically and absorbs air when the negative pressure in the container reaches the allowable value, the vale will close automatically sasto protect the equipment and the system. it is to be installed in normal non-negative pressure systems. 

vacuum negative-pressure safety valve

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note: types and specifications of safety devices need to be calculated and selected according to the specific working conditions of the protected equipments and systems before quotations.

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a72w is applicable in negative pressure system with temperatur≤200℃,when the netative pressure value, the valve will open automatically and absorbs air when the negative pressure in the container reaches the allowable value, the vale will close automatically sasto protect the equipment and the system. it is to be installed in normal non-negative pressure systems. when the discharge valve of the container and system has not opened, which produces the neagative pressure, this valve will open automatically.

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